Archerx replied

622 weeks ago

Linkshell Rules and Guide lines

1. If you want gear you must attended events.
2. If you are lotting Emperium Weapon drops you can not lot +2 items, +1 Seals are free lot unless otherwise told by an LS leader.
3. We have a three strike system now! On your first strike you will not be able to lot on +2 items for the next two runs. On your second strike you will not be able to lot anything for three weeks. Third strike, you are out of the LS. Strikes are to be determined by LS leaders, and will be discussed.
4. As a leader you can not make decisions on your other half. (I.E. wife, boyfriend, significant other.)
5. If you want an Emperium Weapon you must have attendance to events and have shown loyalty to the LS.
6. Please listen to all LS leaders at all times.
7. If you have problems with any LS members and or LS Leaders, DO NOT HADLE IT YOURSELF!!!!! Report it to an LS leader.
8. All rulings are FINAL and are not up for discussion and or debate.
9. There will be an application, interview and probation period, at the end of the probationary period all applicants will be discussed by the lS leaders, and status will be determined then. (Hint: attend everything !!!!!)
10. The Ls and Ls leaders understand that there are things that happen in real life, all we ask is to let us know.
11. Please refrain from discussions on politics and religion. These are hot topics and can start arguments fast. Please be respectful of others views and beliefs.
12. At events we ask that you don’t just go afk for long periods of time, we understand you have to go to the bathroom or outside to smoke, and so on. But if you go afk for hours on end and it is not an emergency that will be considered a strike!
13. There are some events where you will be allowed to come on low level jobs (I.E. Cleaves). If that is the case you will be asked to get keys for opening chest! This is not an option and even applies to Ls leaders!
14. You must wear Ls pearl during events at all time.
15. And of course most important try to have fun and enjoy the game

Thank you,
Ls Leaders

    last edited 620 weeks ago by Archerx
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